Selasa, 15 November 2011

How To Find IP Address of Remote Machine

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2011 - Hallo sahabat Fx008z | Official Blogger, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul 2011, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Artikel Hacking, Artikel Internet, Artikel Phishing, Artikel Social Engineering, Artikel Tricks and Tips, Artikel Tutorial, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

Judul : How To Find IP Address of Remote Machine
link : How To Find IP Address of Remote Machine

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Hello GreenHackerz Readers...............
This is the article about getting the IP address of the remote computer i.e in terms of hacking getting the IP address of the victim computer.

Before proceeding lets know something about IP address.

0x01-What is IP address?
IP address means Internet Protocol address - An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer etc.) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. 
IP address serves for two basic purposes:
1. Host or network interface identification
2. Location Addressing

Now lets move to our moto..........

0x02-How to get IP address of remote computer or victim computer?
There are four techniques to get the IP address of remote computer or victim computer. These are as follows:
  1. Using PHP notification script.
  2. Sniffing during chat sessions.
  3. Using Blogs and Websites.
  4. Using read notify service.
Now lets go in detail one by one ....................

1.  Using PHP notification script.
Using this Notification script you can get the IP address in just seconds.
Steps of using this PHP script: 
   a) First download the PHP Notification Script and extract it.
       You can download this script by click the below download link.
       Download: Click Here
   b) Now you will get two files IP.html and index.php.
   You need to upload these two files to any free web hosting servers.
   Here is the list of some free web
       hosting servers.   etc.....
       you can find more on web.
   c) To upload these files you have to first sign up in the website. After uploading the file you will get a link
       of your uploading files.
       Suppose you open a new account in with the subdomain as xyz, then your IP link
       would be
   d) Now you will need to send the link of index.php to the victim whose IP address you want to get.
   e) Now when the victim opens the above link nothing will open but his Ip address is written into the   
       ip.html file. So open the ip.html file to get his IP address.
   f) That’s all about this method… hope you understood it.

2. Sniffing during chat sessions.
With the help of Sniffers like wireshark etc. you can sniff the Gmail, and yahoo or any other chat sessions while we are chatting to any of your friend and extract the IP address from there. You can read about the tool wireshark  by clicking on the below link.

3. Using Blogs and Websites.
This method is for those who have their blogs or websites. Normal users can also do this as blog is free to make. Make a new blog and use any stats service like histats or any other stats widget. Just add a new widget and put histats code there and save template. And send the link of your blog to your friend and get his IP.

4. Using read notify service.
Using read notify service is an email based service.
Steps to use Read Notify service is as follows:
   a) First open the Read Notify website : RCPT
   b) Now register on this website and then it will send you confirmation mail. Verify your account.
   c) Once your account is activated. Do the following steps to use this service:
  1. Compose your email just like you usually would in your own email or web email program.
  2. Type: on the end of your recipients email address (don’t worry, that gets removed before your recipients receive the email). Like this: .
  3. Send your email.
Some things to remember:
  • don’t send to and from the same computer.
  • if your email program ‘auto-completes’ email addresses from your address book, you’ll need to keep typing over the top of the auto-completed one to add the .
  • if you are cc-ing your email to other readers, you must add tracking to all of them.   
I hope this article is beneficial for you. Enjoy the tips and tricks. 

Hello GreenHackerz Readers...............
This is the article about getting the IP address of the remote computer i.e in terms of hacking getting the IP address of the victim computer.

Before proceeding lets know something about IP address.

0x01-What is IP address?
IP address means Internet Protocol address - An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer etc.) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. 
IP address serves for two basic purposes:
1. Host or network interface identification
2. Location Addressing

Now lets move to our moto..........

0x02-How to get IP address of remote computer or victim computer?
There are four techniques to get the IP address of remote computer or victim computer. These are as follows:
  1. Using PHP notification script.
  2. Sniffing during chat sessions.
  3. Using Blogs and Websites.
  4. Using read notify service.
Now lets go in detail one by one ....................

1.  Using PHP notification script.
Using this Notification script you can get the IP address in just seconds.
Steps of using this PHP script: 
   a) First download the PHP Notification Script and extract it.
       You can download this script by click the below download link.
       Download: Click Here
   b) Now you will get two files IP.html and index.php.
   You need to upload these two files to any free web hosting servers.
   Here is the list of some free web
       hosting servers.   etc.....
       you can find more on web.
   c) To upload these files you have to first sign up in the website. After uploading the file you will get a link
       of your uploading files.
       Suppose you open a new account in with the subdomain as xyz, then your IP link
       would be
   d) Now you will need to send the link of index.php to the victim whose IP address you want to get.
   e) Now when the victim opens the above link nothing will open but his Ip address is written into the   
       ip.html file. So open the ip.html file to get his IP address.
   f) That’s all about this method… hope you understood it.

2. Sniffing during chat sessions.
With the help of Sniffers like wireshark etc. you can sniff the Gmail, and yahoo or any other chat sessions while we are chatting to any of your friend and extract the IP address from there. You can read about the tool wireshark  by clicking on the below link.

3. Using Blogs and Websites.
This method is for those who have their blogs or websites. Normal users can also do this as blog is free to make. Make a new blog and use any stats service like histats or any other stats widget. Just add a new widget and put histats code there and save template. And send the link of your blog to your friend and get his IP.

4. Using read notify service.
Using read notify service is an email based service.
Steps to use Read Notify service is as follows:
   a) First open the Read Notify website : RCPT
   b) Now register on this website and then it will send you confirmation mail. Verify your account.
   c) Once your account is activated. Do the following steps to use this service:
  1. Compose your email just like you usually would in your own email or web email program.
  2. Type: on the end of your recipients email address (don’t worry, that gets removed before your recipients receive the email). Like this: .
  3. Send your email.
Some things to remember:
  • don’t send to and from the same computer.
  • if your email program ‘auto-completes’ email addresses from your address book, you’ll need to keep typing over the top of the auto-completed one to add the .
  • if you are cc-ing your email to other readers, you must add tracking to all of them.   
I hope this article is beneficial for you. Enjoy the tips and tricks. 

Rabu, 09 November 2011

XPath Injection

  Tidak ada komentar
2011 - Hallo sahabat Fx008z | Official Blogger, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul 2011, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Artikel Hacking, Artikel Penetration Testing, Artikel SQL Injections, Artikel Tools, Artikel Tricks and Tips, Artikel Tutorial, Artikel Vulnerability Assessment, Artikel Website Hacking, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

Judul : XPath Injection
link : XPath Injection

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Hello GreenHackerz Readers...........
This article is about a technique used to exploit the websites. The technique named as "XPath Injection".
So lets start reading......

0x01-XPath Injection Description.

Similar to SQL Injection, XPath Injection attacks occur when a web site uses user-supplied information to construct an XPath query for XML data. By sending intentionally malformed information into the web site, an attacker can find out how the XML data is structured, or access data that he may not normally have access to. He may even be able to elevate his privileges on the web site if the XML data is being used for authentication (such as an XML based user file).

Querying XML is done with XPath, a type of simple descriptive statement that allows the XML query to locate a piece of information. Like SQL, you can specify certain attributes to find, and patterns to match.

When using XML for a web site it is common to accept some form of input on the query string to identify the content to locate and display on the page. This input must be sanitized to verify that it doesn't mess up the XPath query and return the wrong data. XPath is a standard language; its notation/syntax is always implementation independent, which means the attack may be automated. There are no different dialects as it takes place in requests to the SQL databeses. Because there is no level access control it's possible to get the entire document. We won't encounter any limitations as we may know from SQL injection attacks.

Input the query as shown in below image:

you get the result as shown below:

The result includes much sensitive information, now you can get a conclusion that the application use XML file to store user authentication data.

In order to analyse the injection process, we modify the sever script to output the query sentence to user’s browser. Input the following username or password:
999'] | * | user[@role='admin


The text with red frame is the XPath query sentence. 999'] | * | user[@role='admin has been injected the sentence successfully.

Now, let’s see the source code of index.asp:
<script language="javascript" runat="server">
Response.write("<form method=\"POST\">Username:<input name=\"uid\"
size=\"20\"/><br>Password:<input name=\"pwd\" size=\"20\"/><input type=\"submit\"
var xmlDom=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
var auth="//users/user[loginID/text()='"+uid+"' and password/text()='"+pwd+"']";
var UserObj=xmlDom.selectNodes(auth);
if(UserObj.length>0) Response.write("<br><br>Login OK!");
else Response.write("Please Input Correct Username and Password!");
for(var i=0;i<UserObj.length;i++)

user authentication file user.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

You can get the XPath query sentence as follow:
auth="//users/user[loginID/text()='"+uid+"' and password/text()='"+pwd+"']"
It means that, select user nodes which uid is equal to your input uid and password is equal to your input pwd;
The actual XPath sentence is set to:
//users/user[loginID/text()='999' and password/text()='999'] | * | user[@role='admin'] ,
The logic result is select all nodes, XPath injection occurred.

0x02-XPath Injection Tool
WebCruiser - Web Vulnerability Scanner
WebCruiser - Web Vulnerability Scanner, a compact but powerful web security scanning tool!
It has a Crawler and Vulnerability Scanner(SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc. ).
It can support scanning website as well as POC( Prooving of concept) for web vulnerabilities:
SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc. So, WebCruiser is also a SQL Injector,
a XPath Injector , and a Cross Site Scripting tool!
  • Crawler(Site Directories And Files);
  • Vulnerability Scanner(SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc.);
  •  POC(Proof of Concept): SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc.;
  • GET/Post/Cookie Injection;
  • SQL Server: PlainText/FieldEcho(Union)/Blind Injection;
  • MySQL/Oracle/DB2/Access: FieldEcho(Union)/Blind Injection;
  • Administration Entrance Search;
  • Time Delay For Search Injection;
  • Auto Get Cookie From Web Browser For Authentication;
  • Report Output.
Excluding this there are also some other good Web Vulnerability Scanners tools available in market like Acunetix , Grandel Scan etc.....

Hope you like the article.
Enjoy XPath Injection

Hello GreenHackerz Readers...........
This article is about a technique used to exploit the websites. The technique named as "XPath Injection".
So lets start reading......

0x01-XPath Injection Description.

Similar to SQL Injection, XPath Injection attacks occur when a web site uses user-supplied information to construct an XPath query for XML data. By sending intentionally malformed information into the web site, an attacker can find out how the XML data is structured, or access data that he may not normally have access to. He may even be able to elevate his privileges on the web site if the XML data is being used for authentication (such as an XML based user file).

Querying XML is done with XPath, a type of simple descriptive statement that allows the XML query to locate a piece of information. Like SQL, you can specify certain attributes to find, and patterns to match.

When using XML for a web site it is common to accept some form of input on the query string to identify the content to locate and display on the page. This input must be sanitized to verify that it doesn't mess up the XPath query and return the wrong data. XPath is a standard language; its notation/syntax is always implementation independent, which means the attack may be automated. There are no different dialects as it takes place in requests to the SQL databeses. Because there is no level access control it's possible to get the entire document. We won't encounter any limitations as we may know from SQL injection attacks.

Input the query as shown in below image:

you get the result as shown below:

The result includes much sensitive information, now you can get a conclusion that the application use XML file to store user authentication data.

In order to analyse the injection process, we modify the sever script to output the query sentence to user’s browser. Input the following username or password:
999'] | * | user[@role='admin


The text with red frame is the XPath query sentence. 999'] | * | user[@role='admin has been injected the sentence successfully.

Now, let’s see the source code of index.asp:
<script language="javascript" runat="server">
Response.write("<form method=\"POST\">Username:<input name=\"uid\"
size=\"20\"/><br>Password:<input name=\"pwd\" size=\"20\"/><input type=\"submit\"
var xmlDom=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
var auth="//users/user[loginID/text()='"+uid+"' and password/text()='"+pwd+"']";
var UserObj=xmlDom.selectNodes(auth);
if(UserObj.length>0) Response.write("<br><br>Login OK!");
else Response.write("Please Input Correct Username and Password!");
for(var i=0;i<UserObj.length;i++)

user authentication file user.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

You can get the XPath query sentence as follow:
auth="//users/user[loginID/text()='"+uid+"' and password/text()='"+pwd+"']"
It means that, select user nodes which uid is equal to your input uid and password is equal to your input pwd;
The actual XPath sentence is set to:
//users/user[loginID/text()='999' and password/text()='999'] | * | user[@role='admin'] ,
The logic result is select all nodes, XPath injection occurred.

0x02-XPath Injection Tool
WebCruiser - Web Vulnerability Scanner
WebCruiser - Web Vulnerability Scanner, a compact but powerful web security scanning tool!
It has a Crawler and Vulnerability Scanner(SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc. ).
It can support scanning website as well as POC( Prooving of concept) for web vulnerabilities:
SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc. So, WebCruiser is also a SQL Injector,
a XPath Injector , and a Cross Site Scripting tool!
  • Crawler(Site Directories And Files);
  • Vulnerability Scanner(SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc.);
  •  POC(Proof of Concept): SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc.;
  • GET/Post/Cookie Injection;
  • SQL Server: PlainText/FieldEcho(Union)/Blind Injection;
  • MySQL/Oracle/DB2/Access: FieldEcho(Union)/Blind Injection;
  • Administration Entrance Search;
  • Time Delay For Search Injection;
  • Auto Get Cookie From Web Browser For Authentication;
  • Report Output.
Excluding this there are also some other good Web Vulnerability Scanners tools available in market like Acunetix , Grandel Scan etc.....

Hope you like the article.
Enjoy XPath Injection

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Keep All Passwords In Pocket !!

  Tidak ada komentar
2011 - Hallo sahabat Fx008z | Official Blogger, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul 2011, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Artikel Tools, Artikel Tricks and Tips, Artikel Tutorial, Artikel USB, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

Judul : Keep All Passwords In Pocket !!
link : Keep All Passwords In Pocket !!

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Hello GreenHackerz..
Todays biggest problem for us to remember our all passwords. Because Today we need to remember many passwords. We need a password for the Windows network logon, our e-mail account, our website's FTP password, online passwords (like website member account),etc.etc.etc.. and one of the most important password for youth is facebook account's passwords.. :)

The list is endless. Also, we should use different passwords for each account. Because if we use only one password everywhere and someone gets this password so we have a problem... Even A serious problem.The Thief (Hacker) would have access to our e-mail account, website, etc...
Here is the simple solution.You can securely save all your passwords in a USB device or even in iPod and keep it in your pocket with KeePass Password Safe.
For Download Click Here

What is KeePass?
KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish).
Visit official website Click Here

How To Use

(1) Simply Download KeePass

(2) Extract it in your Pen Drive or at your desired location.

(3) Open KeePass.exe & Click on New to Create New Database for your Passwords and give strong password or make key file for your database.

(4) Now simply you can add entry

(5) Your entreis look like this..

(6) You can use autotype feature by simply press Ctrl+V if database is open it automatically fill username , Passwaord and login to your account..

Enjoy Friends with KeePass Safe..

Hello GreenHackerz..
Todays biggest problem for us to remember our all passwords. Because Today we need to remember many passwords. We need a password for the Windows network logon, our e-mail account, our website's FTP password, online passwords (like website member account),etc.etc.etc.. and one of the most important password for youth is facebook account's passwords.. :)

The list is endless. Also, we should use different passwords for each account. Because if we use only one password everywhere and someone gets this password so we have a problem... Even A serious problem.The Thief (Hacker) would have access to our e-mail account, website, etc...
Here is the simple solution.You can securely save all your passwords in a USB device or even in iPod and keep it in your pocket with KeePass Password Safe.
For Download Click Here

What is KeePass?
KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish).
Visit official website Click Here

How To Use

(1) Simply Download KeePass

(2) Extract it in your Pen Drive or at your desired location.

(3) Open KeePass.exe & Click on New to Create New Database for your Passwords and give strong password or make key file for your database.

(4) Now simply you can add entry

(5) Your entreis look like this..

(6) You can use autotype feature by simply press Ctrl+V if database is open it automatically fill username , Passwaord and login to your account..

Enjoy Friends with KeePass Safe..

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Hash Code Cracker

  Tidak ada komentar
2011 - Hallo sahabat Fx008z | Official Blogger, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul 2011, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Artikel Hacking, Artikel Linux, Artikel Operating System, Artikel Tools, Artikel Tricks and Tips, Artikel Tutorial, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

Judul : Hash Code Cracker
link : Hash Code Cracker

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Hello GreenHackerz readers......
The article is about a tool known as "Hash Code Cracker".

Before we go to tool let's learn something about Hash Codes.

0X1 : What is Hash Code or Hash Function?
A hash function is any algorithm or subroutine that maps large data sets to smaller data sets, called keys.
For example, a single integer can serve as an index to an array (cf. associative array). The values returned by a hash function are called hash values, hash codes, hash sums, checksums or simply hashes.

Hash functions are mostly used to accelerate table lookup or data comparison tasks such as finding items in a database, detecting duplicated or similar records in a large file, finding similar stretches in DNA sequences, and so on.

This is the software which is used for cracking the Hash code like MD5, SHA1, NTLM (Windows Password) etc. 
The software is easy to use and no need to install. Supports All platforms(windows XP/7,Linux,....).

To software is in .jar form. So to use in windows do the following steps.
1. Open the Command Prompt.
2. Navigate to the path where you save it.
3.Now type "java -jar <name of the jar file>" (without Double Quotation)

Download : Click Here

espérons qu'il vous plaira.
Enjoy the tool.

Hello GreenHackerz readers......
The article is about a tool known as "Hash Code Cracker".

Before we go to tool let's learn something about Hash Codes.

0X1 : What is Hash Code or Hash Function?
A hash function is any algorithm or subroutine that maps large data sets to smaller data sets, called keys.
For example, a single integer can serve as an index to an array (cf. associative array). The values returned by a hash function are called hash values, hash codes, hash sums, checksums or simply hashes.

Hash functions are mostly used to accelerate table lookup or data comparison tasks such as finding items in a database, detecting duplicated or similar records in a large file, finding similar stretches in DNA sequences, and so on.

This is the software which is used for cracking the Hash code like MD5, SHA1, NTLM (Windows Password) etc. 
The software is easy to use and no need to install. Supports All platforms(windows XP/7,Linux,....).

To software is in .jar form. So to use in windows do the following steps.
1. Open the Command Prompt.
2. Navigate to the path where you save it.
3.Now type "java -jar <name of the jar file>" (without Double Quotation)

Download : Click Here

espérons qu'il vous plaira.
Enjoy the tool.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

The complete guide to SQL Injections

  Tidak ada komentar
2011 - Hallo sahabat Fx008z | Official Blogger, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul 2011, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Artikel Hacking, Artikel Penetration Testing, Artikel SQL Injections, Artikel Tools, Artikel Tricks and Tips, Artikel Tutorial, Artikel Vulnerability Assessment, Artikel Website Hacking, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

Judul : The complete guide to SQL Injections
link : The complete guide to SQL Injections

Baca juga


Hello GreenHackerz readers...... 
This article is about a technique which is used for hacking the websites and the technique is very popular among hackers. The technique is known as SQL Injections. 

So, lets start reading ............

What is SQL Injection
SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application. The vulnerability is present when user input is either incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed. It is an instance of a more general class of vulnerabilities that can occur whenever one programming or scripting language is embedded inside another. 

0x00 - Intro
All the information contained in the article is from personal experience, if I don't go over something that you currently do or have seen in SQL injections, its because I do not use it; not saying I'm right just that's how it is. As you should already know, extracting database information from a server without administration approval is illegal and I cannot be held accountable for any malicious actions executed after reading this article. 

0x01 - What is MySQL
"SQL" stands for "Structured Query Language," which simply allows users to send queries to the server database. There are different types of SQL such as MySQL, which is Microsoft's version of the language and also has some different commands as well as syntax. 

0x02 - Finding SQL Injections
Before jumping into this topic I want to explain to you about comments in MySQL. There are three variations to a comment in this language:

As you should already know a comment just blocks out a section so it will not be executed through the query. Typically, anytime you see a page from a website that takes in a parameter such as:

(not saying injections are narrowed down to only id parameters but they are quite common) you may want to test the page for a vulnerability. The simplest way I know of to check for a vulnerability is to add:
" and 1=1--

to the end of the URL and see if the contents of the page change, even the slightest bit, if they don't then add
" and 1=0--

(it doesn't have to be 1=1 or 1=0 just something that returns true for the first statement and false for the second) and see if it changes after the second. If the contents change after the second query then you have a vulnerability. 

0x03 - Gathering Information
To make your job or life a little easier you should look around the site some to gather information on what you are trying to retrieve. For instance, if the site has a user registration look at the source code for the page and take note of the field names they use (most developers are lazy and use the same names for simplicity); you can also look around the site for more vulnerabilities. Alright so once you have found some good information to look forward to, its time to find out how many columns are being selected from the database from the original query. This is an important step because if number of columns you "select" and the number from the original are not identical, the injection does not work! To find out the number of column you simply add "order by x" on the end of your vulnerable URL replacing "x" with a increasing number until you get an error order by 9--
the number of columns being selected is the value of x before the error.

0x04 - The Injection
I suppose this is where some people get confused. In MySQL in order to combine two query statements you can use the keyword "union", you can also include the keyword "all" which will display all results (default property of union is to remove duplicate results from display). After your "union all" you also need to include the keyword "select" since we are going to want to select database information and display it on the screen so far you should be looking at something similar to: union all select

  Continuing the injection like the previous example will work fine, but it will also display all the original results as well as our new results, typically to bypass this I, as well as most of the other people exploiting SQL injections, replace the id value, in the case of our example it would be 4, with one of the following:

or any result that would not be in the database, this way the original select query will not result anything but our new injected select query will display. In SQL each column being selected must be separated by a comma(,) so if your vulnerable site is selecting 4 columns with the original statement (which was found earlier when we were gathering information using the "order by") you would just concatenate those on your injection; I like to set each column to a different numeric value that way i can keep track of which columns are actually being displayed on the screen. So far, if everything has been going good, you should have an injection URL looking something like: union all select 1,2,3,4--

If not then go back and keep reading it until you figure it out. The last part of our injection setup is the telling the query which table to "select" the information from; we do this with the keyword "from table"...pretty self explanatory right? So for example, we have a vulnerable site that has 4 columns being selected and we want to look at the "users" table we can have a set up such as: union all select 1,2,3,4 from users--

Easy enough so far, now is where it gets a little more difficult, but not too much.

0x05 - Tables and Columns
Depending on the version of MySQL the administrators are running on the server, finding table and column names can be very easy or somewhat irritating. There is an easy way to figure out what version is running on the server, can you guess? If you did not guess version(), why the hell not, its like one of the easiest and self explanatory things ever! Anyways, replace one of the columns in your injection that displays on the screen with the function call version() and this will tell you which typically its either 4.x.x or 5.x.x. If they are running some form of version 4 then you're basically on your own when it comes to figuring out table and column names (I'll post some examples of common names later); though if version 5 is implemented then your life is easy. As of version 5.1 of MySQL the developers began to automatically include a master database on the server called INFORMATION_SCHEMA. Within information_schema there are tables that give information about all the tables, columns, users, etc on the entire SOL server (to find more about the structure of information_schema and the table/column names visit Once you figure out a table name and some column names within that table you want to look at just place them into our injection setup from before; suppose we have a site that has a "users" table and columns "user" and "pass" and the second and third columns are displayed onto the screen, we could view these by an injection such as: union all select 1,user, pass, 4 from users--

This example will display both the user and pass onto the screen in the given positions, though what happens if only one column is selected or displayed? In MySQL there is function called concat() which simply concatenates fields together so to simplify our previous example we could have: union all select 1, concat(user,0x3a, pass), 3, 4 from users--

"0x3A" is just a colon(:) in hexadecimal, simply to separate the two fields for my own viewing. 

0x06 - Narrowing down the Selection
Typically when performing a SQL injection there are multiple results you want to look at or possibly just one individual. There are a couple of ways to narrow down your selection first way is to use the "where" keyword is just takes a logical parameter such as "where id=1" which would look in the id column in the table and find which row is equal to 1. The next way to to use the "limit" keyword; this way is a little more useful since you do not need to know an additional column name to increment through the selections limit takes two parameters, where to start the selection and how many to select. So in order to select only the very first "user" from the table "users" using the "limit" keyword you could have: union all select user from users limit 0,1--

to look at the rest of the users individually you just increment the 0 up until you get an error. In order to look at all the results in a single swipe you can use the function group_concat() which works very similarly to concat() except it displays all the results for the given column(s) separated by a comma(,) (the comma is just the default, you can change it by using the "separator" keyword and indicate a symbol to use). 

0x07 - Obstacles
Excluding the fact that version 4 in general is an obstacle, there are a few different things web developers can do to try and make sql injections a little more difficult. The most common of these annoyances would be magic_quotes; basically magic quotes disallows any type of quotation marks and breaks it by adding a back-slash(\), which of course is going to mess up your injection. To get around this there is the nice little function char(); char() takes ascii values and generates the corresponding character value, thus eliminating the need for a quote. Example time...say we want to look at the "pass" column FROM the table "users" but only WHERE the "user" column is only equal to "admin" and the site only selects one column from the original query, easy enough right? we learned this earlier union all select pass from users where user="admin"--

curve ball! the developers have enabled magic_quotes therefore your "admin" will not work properly...i know its sad. To fix it we simply take the ascii values of each character ( so now we get union all select pass from users where user=char(97,100,109,105,110)--

TA-DA! injection fixed. Also another safety feature they try to block us with is regular expressions to search our input, but often times they have their expressions set to such narrow possibilities that you can bypass them by simply changing the case, the comment symbol, or replacing spaces with "+" (SQL is not case sensitive, it also sees "+" as a space filler much like a space). 

0x08 - Additional opportunities
Although I said before version 4 was a pain in the ass, I have also noticed a nice feature common to version 4 vulnerable sites I have come across in my adventures; this feature would be the function load_file(), not saying the function is exclusive to version 4 but from my experience it is most commonly enabled for current users by developers for some reason in this version. load_file() acts just as file_get_contents() from PHP in that it returns the contents of the file into a string format. If enabled this allows for more than just SQL styles hacks on the server, it now allows for LFI vulnerabilities as well. Although, load_file() needs to have the exact full path to the file you are trying to open, for example: /home/CrashOverron/Desktop/file, and if input as a literal string then it must be encased in quotes, which brings back the issue of magic_quotes but as before just use the char() function. The next interesting feature that is hardly ever possible, but I have seen happen, is the use of the "INTO OUTFILE" keywords. This is the exact opposite of load_file(), in order to use either of these features the current user that MySQL is running as must have the FILE privilege on the server. Again, the full path is needed for the output file, which cannot be an existing file, though unlike load_file() the char() function does not fix magic_quotes. Time for an example of both, here is the situation: vulnerable site has 1 column selected also has a "users" table. load_file no magic_quotes: union all select load_file('/etc/passwd')--

load_file with magic_quotes: union all select load_file(char(47,101,116,99,47,112,97,115,115,119,100))--

INTO OUTFILE: union all select "test" INTO OUTFILE "/etc/test" from users--

0x09 - Blind SQL Injection
Blind SQL injection occurs when the original select query obtains column information but does not display it onto the screen. In order to continue through a blind SQL injection you must basically brute-force any value you want to know. There are a few functions we can use in conjunction with each other that make this quite easy yet tedious, those would be the mid() and the ASCII() functions. mid() is MySQL's sub string function and ascii() does the exact opposite of char() it takes a character and exchanges it with the corresponding ASCII numeric value. Doing this allows us to determine the range each of our desired value is in on the ASCII chart, thus narrowing each down until we find a match. Example situation; we have found a site that is vulnerable to blind sql injection and we want to figure out which user MySQL is currently running as, our injection sequence could look something like: and ascii(mid(user(),1,1)) < 97--

(this will tell us if the first letter in the user is above/below "a" then we can change the 97 to a different value until we find the character to the first letter) and ascii(mid(user(),2,1)) < 97--

(just repeat as before and keep incrementing through the letters and you will eventually have the current user) 

0x10 - Login Bypass
Ok, I left this for towards the end because it is not really very common anymore but I will through it in because I suppose you may run across it some day (I have only ran across this vulnerability once in real world). The concept behind the SQL login bypass is quite simple; in order to execute the exploit you input a username into the user field then in the password field of the form you put:
' or 1=1--

this just ends the current password field and includes the logical OR with a constant true statement. A simple MySQL login script could look like:
<?php $user = $_POST['user']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if((!$user) or (!$pass)) { header("Location:$ref"); exit(); } $conn = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "blah") or die("Could not connect"); $rs = @mysql_select_db("db", $conn) or die("db error"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user=\"$user\" AND pass=\"$pass\""; $rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die("query error"); $num = mysql_numrows($rs); if($num != 0) { echo("Welcome $user"); } else { header("Location:$ref"); exit(); } ?>

so if we input the user "admin" and "" or 1=1--" as the password the query sent to the server is going to look like this:
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user="admin" AND pass="" or 1=1--"

so the server is going to select row where the "user" equals "admin" and disregard if the "pass" is correct because it is asking if the pass OR 1=1 are true, since 1=1 is always true you bypass the pass section. 

0x11 - Useful Keywords/Functions
UNION ALL SELECT AND/OR ORDER BY WHERE LIMIT LIKE INTO OUTFILE char() ascii() mid() concat() group_concat() load_file() user() database() version()

That's all about the SQL.... Hope u like it ...
Leave a comment or suggestion... 

Hello GreenHackerz readers...... 
This article is about a technique which is used for hacking the websites and the technique is very popular among hackers. The technique is known as SQL Injections. 

So, lets start reading ............

What is SQL Injection
SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application. The vulnerability is present when user input is either incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed. It is an instance of a more general class of vulnerabilities that can occur whenever one programming or scripting language is embedded inside another. 

0x00 - Intro
All the information contained in the article is from personal experience, if I don't go over something that you currently do or have seen in SQL injections, its because I do not use it; not saying I'm right just that's how it is. As you should already know, extracting database information from a server without administration approval is illegal and I cannot be held accountable for any malicious actions executed after reading this article. 

0x01 - What is MySQL
"SQL" stands for "Structured Query Language," which simply allows users to send queries to the server database. There are different types of SQL such as MySQL, which is Microsoft's version of the language and also has some different commands as well as syntax. 

0x02 - Finding SQL Injections
Before jumping into this topic I want to explain to you about comments in MySQL. There are three variations to a comment in this language:

As you should already know a comment just blocks out a section so it will not be executed through the query. Typically, anytime you see a page from a website that takes in a parameter such as:

(not saying injections are narrowed down to only id parameters but they are quite common) you may want to test the page for a vulnerability. The simplest way I know of to check for a vulnerability is to add:
" and 1=1--

to the end of the URL and see if the contents of the page change, even the slightest bit, if they don't then add
" and 1=0--

(it doesn't have to be 1=1 or 1=0 just something that returns true for the first statement and false for the second) and see if it changes after the second. If the contents change after the second query then you have a vulnerability. 

0x03 - Gathering Information
To make your job or life a little easier you should look around the site some to gather information on what you are trying to retrieve. For instance, if the site has a user registration look at the source code for the page and take note of the field names they use (most developers are lazy and use the same names for simplicity); you can also look around the site for more vulnerabilities. Alright so once you have found some good information to look forward to, its time to find out how many columns are being selected from the database from the original query. This is an important step because if number of columns you "select" and the number from the original are not identical, the injection does not work! To find out the number of column you simply add "order by x" on the end of your vulnerable URL replacing "x" with a increasing number until you get an error order by 9--
the number of columns being selected is the value of x before the error.

0x04 - The Injection
I suppose this is where some people get confused. In MySQL in order to combine two query statements you can use the keyword "union", you can also include the keyword "all" which will display all results (default property of union is to remove duplicate results from display). After your "union all" you also need to include the keyword "select" since we are going to want to select database information and display it on the screen so far you should be looking at something similar to: union all select

  Continuing the injection like the previous example will work fine, but it will also display all the original results as well as our new results, typically to bypass this I, as well as most of the other people exploiting SQL injections, replace the id value, in the case of our example it would be 4, with one of the following:

or any result that would not be in the database, this way the original select query will not result anything but our new injected select query will display. In SQL each column being selected must be separated by a comma(,) so if your vulnerable site is selecting 4 columns with the original statement (which was found earlier when we were gathering information using the "order by") you would just concatenate those on your injection; I like to set each column to a different numeric value that way i can keep track of which columns are actually being displayed on the screen. So far, if everything has been going good, you should have an injection URL looking something like: union all select 1,2,3,4--

If not then go back and keep reading it until you figure it out. The last part of our injection setup is the telling the query which table to "select" the information from; we do this with the keyword "from table"...pretty self explanatory right? So for example, we have a vulnerable site that has 4 columns being selected and we want to look at the "users" table we can have a set up such as: union all select 1,2,3,4 from users--

Easy enough so far, now is where it gets a little more difficult, but not too much.

0x05 - Tables and Columns
Depending on the version of MySQL the administrators are running on the server, finding table and column names can be very easy or somewhat irritating. There is an easy way to figure out what version is running on the server, can you guess? If you did not guess version(), why the hell not, its like one of the easiest and self explanatory things ever! Anyways, replace one of the columns in your injection that displays on the screen with the function call version() and this will tell you which typically its either 4.x.x or 5.x.x. If they are running some form of version 4 then you're basically on your own when it comes to figuring out table and column names (I'll post some examples of common names later); though if version 5 is implemented then your life is easy. As of version 5.1 of MySQL the developers began to automatically include a master database on the server called INFORMATION_SCHEMA. Within information_schema there are tables that give information about all the tables, columns, users, etc on the entire SOL server (to find more about the structure of information_schema and the table/column names visit Once you figure out a table name and some column names within that table you want to look at just place them into our injection setup from before; suppose we have a site that has a "users" table and columns "user" and "pass" and the second and third columns are displayed onto the screen, we could view these by an injection such as: union all select 1,user, pass, 4 from users--

This example will display both the user and pass onto the screen in the given positions, though what happens if only one column is selected or displayed? In MySQL there is function called concat() which simply concatenates fields together so to simplify our previous example we could have: union all select 1, concat(user,0x3a, pass), 3, 4 from users--

"0x3A" is just a colon(:) in hexadecimal, simply to separate the two fields for my own viewing. 

0x06 - Narrowing down the Selection
Typically when performing a SQL injection there are multiple results you want to look at or possibly just one individual. There are a couple of ways to narrow down your selection first way is to use the "where" keyword is just takes a logical parameter such as "where id=1" which would look in the id column in the table and find which row is equal to 1. The next way to to use the "limit" keyword; this way is a little more useful since you do not need to know an additional column name to increment through the selections limit takes two parameters, where to start the selection and how many to select. So in order to select only the very first "user" from the table "users" using the "limit" keyword you could have: union all select user from users limit 0,1--

to look at the rest of the users individually you just increment the 0 up until you get an error. In order to look at all the results in a single swipe you can use the function group_concat() which works very similarly to concat() except it displays all the results for the given column(s) separated by a comma(,) (the comma is just the default, you can change it by using the "separator" keyword and indicate a symbol to use). 

0x07 - Obstacles
Excluding the fact that version 4 in general is an obstacle, there are a few different things web developers can do to try and make sql injections a little more difficult. The most common of these annoyances would be magic_quotes; basically magic quotes disallows any type of quotation marks and breaks it by adding a back-slash(\), which of course is going to mess up your injection. To get around this there is the nice little function char(); char() takes ascii values and generates the corresponding character value, thus eliminating the need for a quote. Example time...say we want to look at the "pass" column FROM the table "users" but only WHERE the "user" column is only equal to "admin" and the site only selects one column from the original query, easy enough right? we learned this earlier union all select pass from users where user="admin"--

curve ball! the developers have enabled magic_quotes therefore your "admin" will not work properly...i know its sad. To fix it we simply take the ascii values of each character ( so now we get union all select pass from users where user=char(97,100,109,105,110)--

TA-DA! injection fixed. Also another safety feature they try to block us with is regular expressions to search our input, but often times they have their expressions set to such narrow possibilities that you can bypass them by simply changing the case, the comment symbol, or replacing spaces with "+" (SQL is not case sensitive, it also sees "+" as a space filler much like a space). 

0x08 - Additional opportunities
Although I said before version 4 was a pain in the ass, I have also noticed a nice feature common to version 4 vulnerable sites I have come across in my adventures; this feature would be the function load_file(), not saying the function is exclusive to version 4 but from my experience it is most commonly enabled for current users by developers for some reason in this version. load_file() acts just as file_get_contents() from PHP in that it returns the contents of the file into a string format. If enabled this allows for more than just SQL styles hacks on the server, it now allows for LFI vulnerabilities as well. Although, load_file() needs to have the exact full path to the file you are trying to open, for example: /home/CrashOverron/Desktop/file, and if input as a literal string then it must be encased in quotes, which brings back the issue of magic_quotes but as before just use the char() function. The next interesting feature that is hardly ever possible, but I have seen happen, is the use of the "INTO OUTFILE" keywords. This is the exact opposite of load_file(), in order to use either of these features the current user that MySQL is running as must have the FILE privilege on the server. Again, the full path is needed for the output file, which cannot be an existing file, though unlike load_file() the char() function does not fix magic_quotes. Time for an example of both, here is the situation: vulnerable site has 1 column selected also has a "users" table. load_file no magic_quotes: union all select load_file('/etc/passwd')--

load_file with magic_quotes: union all select load_file(char(47,101,116,99,47,112,97,115,115,119,100))--

INTO OUTFILE: union all select "test" INTO OUTFILE "/etc/test" from users--

0x09 - Blind SQL Injection
Blind SQL injection occurs when the original select query obtains column information but does not display it onto the screen. In order to continue through a blind SQL injection you must basically brute-force any value you want to know. There are a few functions we can use in conjunction with each other that make this quite easy yet tedious, those would be the mid() and the ASCII() functions. mid() is MySQL's sub string function and ascii() does the exact opposite of char() it takes a character and exchanges it with the corresponding ASCII numeric value. Doing this allows us to determine the range each of our desired value is in on the ASCII chart, thus narrowing each down until we find a match. Example situation; we have found a site that is vulnerable to blind sql injection and we want to figure out which user MySQL is currently running as, our injection sequence could look something like: and ascii(mid(user(),1,1)) < 97--

(this will tell us if the first letter in the user is above/below "a" then we can change the 97 to a different value until we find the character to the first letter) and ascii(mid(user(),2,1)) < 97--

(just repeat as before and keep incrementing through the letters and you will eventually have the current user) 

0x10 - Login Bypass
Ok, I left this for towards the end because it is not really very common anymore but I will through it in because I suppose you may run across it some day (I have only ran across this vulnerability once in real world). The concept behind the SQL login bypass is quite simple; in order to execute the exploit you input a username into the user field then in the password field of the form you put:
' or 1=1--

this just ends the current password field and includes the logical OR with a constant true statement. A simple MySQL login script could look like:
<?php $user = $_POST['user']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if((!$user) or (!$pass)) { header("Location:$ref"); exit(); } $conn = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "blah") or die("Could not connect"); $rs = @mysql_select_db("db", $conn) or die("db error"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user=\"$user\" AND pass=\"$pass\""; $rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die("query error"); $num = mysql_numrows($rs); if($num != 0) { echo("Welcome $user"); } else { header("Location:$ref"); exit(); } ?>

so if we input the user "admin" and "" or 1=1--" as the password the query sent to the server is going to look like this:
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user="admin" AND pass="" or 1=1--"

so the server is going to select row where the "user" equals "admin" and disregard if the "pass" is correct because it is asking if the pass OR 1=1 are true, since 1=1 is always true you bypass the pass section. 

0x11 - Useful Keywords/Functions
UNION ALL SELECT AND/OR ORDER BY WHERE LIMIT LIKE INTO OUTFILE char() ascii() mid() concat() group_concat() load_file() user() database() version()

That's all about the SQL.... Hope u like it ...
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